Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Twitching Me Nuts!

I'd be lying if I said I was not completely stressed out. I promise myself (when I actually get to my home tonight) I'm going to make a nice lavender bubble bath, light some pretty pumpkin (favorite!) candles, and just relax. Ahh, I can almost feel it now!

For the last four days now (FOUR (4) whole days!!) I have had a twitch in my palm. It is my left palm on the thumb side of the "life line", right above the thumb muscle (if that description doesn't make much sense to you...just go with it...) It has been twitching non-stop. It makes it itch/tickle so I'm constantly touching it. ERGGG! So annoyingly frustrating! I wake up with it twitching, I go to sleep with it twitching.

This morning my left foot between my big toe and the next one (whatever you want to call it) started twitching so bad I had to take off my shoe and do a quick massage to make it stop.

My eyelids have been twitching off and on throughout the day. My right ring finger twitched for about a half and hour. I'm going twitching nuts!!!!

Which is why I need to take a deep breath (or a couple hundred) and say, "Ommmmmmmmm" in a nice warm bubble bath. I've tried massaging my hand in every plausible way I could think of. Honey gave me a nice neck and back massage yesterday (such a sweety). Still no relief.

I'm going bonkers. 4 days with a non stop twitch. What a pain in the ass.

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