Monday, July 7, 2008

In your face "allergies"

Remember when I felt like crap a couple days ago? More than a few people told me it was just "allergies" and I believed them. It sounded like the typical allergy symptoms...made sense. All through it though I kept thinking, this doesn't feel like allergies. I thought I had a fever. But alas, we have no thermometer, so no proof.

I was sick!

I feel just fine and dandy now. Woohoo! And guess what? Mr. "let's-make-fun-of-cry-sack-for-not-being-able-to-hack-allergies" Justin has my exact symptoms. Now who's the cry sack! In your face! I was sick. Summer cold, whatever you want to call it. I was sick and I swear to bejesus I had a fever.

Ahhh. It's nice to breathe like a human. I am so glad it wasn't allergies. I couldn't make it through a whole summer feeling like that. It was terrible. I must take care of my honey now. He is being a baby. It's okay though. Now he understands how shitty I felt. We're even.

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